Wednesday, April 25, 2007


I am in the process of destroying my teaching notebooks of many years. It is a sad process but I am also aware that some of it is sensitive in personal information about classes and children so it needs careful editing in order to shred rather than just jettison.

One of the things I have been prone to is the gathering of exhortations - I am a simple soul and need to hang my principles on such things.

One I came across yesterday was not attributed in my notebook but I suspect is a Pie Corbett quotation. It is worth retaining for my grandchildren and other people's children as I believe it contains such truth and power.

If a child reads, it doesn't need to be taught English.
If a child doesn't read, it can't be taught English.

N.B. the use of the words "doesn't" and "can't because the last statement can be misread.

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