Saturday, November 10, 2007

New outlet

I attend the Cardiac Rehab Phase 4 exercise classes run by Debbie Hobbs at Langstone Hotel and the Mountbatten Centre on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays. These provide my three minimum exercise requirement for the week so that any other form of exercise I do under my own steam is on top of this basic. I found that I needed this disciplined approach provided by Debbie and her groups. I had intended walks to be the main form of exercise but lacked the self discipline necessary to make them happen regularly enough to fulfil health requirements. I do walk into Havant during the daytime rather than use the car, but evening rehearsals see me fall back on the car as means of transport for me and the director.

Liz, who attends the same classes at the Mountbatten Centre, runs the group newsletter. Debbie has been putting pressure on the group to provide material for the newsletter and as I have used the group to publicise theatrical endeavours she said I should write them up for the newsletter.

As per usual I shall use the blog as a draft means of expression and then transfer the material to Liz for inclusion in the newsletter. I might also self publicise my blog and thereby gain more readers.

I was politely but firmly harangued by Alan, another member of Debbie's group, because I had let the performances of "Measure for Measure" slip past him and he had been looking forward to seeing the Shakespeare. Oh the responsibility of being the oracle in this way!

Another member, Martin, surprised me this week by saying I had potential as a salesman. He trains people as salesman so speaks with some authority. I had always considered myself as being naff at selling anything but he started my brain working.

Still I love writing and am looking for some way to express myself in other literary forms such as fiction and poetry (so watch out blog readers).

The British Heart Foundation is looking for co-ordinators, speakers, memoriam secretaries and fund raisers locally. Co-ordinators visit schools and oversee fund-raising activities as well as promoting the foundation's heart health messages to children and teachers. Speakers are needed to thank supporters who have raised funds and tell them how their money will help. In memoriam secretaries liaise with funeral directors to encourage their support for the charity. Fund-raisers assist in promoting and organising events as well as encouraging other individuals and businesses to organise their own events. I could do any or all of those roles for the BHF and will telephone the local organiser this week to offer my services or visit

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