Tuesday, January 16, 2007


My 60 th birthday rapidly approaches. It is on Wednesday the 24th, gentle reader. I am still searching for a purpose to my life other than the schedule of housework and domestic tasks I am currently completing - reasonably happily.
Yesterday I took time out to visit the public consultation by the Executive of Havant Borough Council as they presented their annual policy and budget for this coming year. After listening intently for some time, I began to realise how limited was my knowledge of how local government works. Mind you, some of the questions asked by some of the taxpayers present showed they were unsure of the complex structures at operation. Complaints about alleyways in Waterlooville, the state of roads throughout the borough and the lack of policing when needed were all levelled at the councillors fielding the questions. It became clear to me that a great deal of the housing stock and land in Havant Borough belongs to Portsmouth or Housing associations. The roads and streets are the responsibility of Hampshire County Council. The policing question is the responsibility of the Police Authority and not under the control of the borough. An interesting fact came to light in so far as 40 police officers were removed from Havant last year as Gosport was considered an area of greater priority - thereby leaving Havant undermanned. In the end I was stirred to point out publicly that I thought the Borough Council was trapped between two very hard places- the taxpayers and the national government. The former are baffled by the complex layers of organisation and know not at whom their ire should be directed for results. The latter maintains this complexity and adds to it by constant flow of new legislation and enervating control of finances. The Borough Council collects the Council Tax but only 13.5% is for the Borough, the rest is sent on to the County, the Police Authority and the Fire Brigade. But because it is the collection agent, the taxpayers think their money goes to the Borough.
I must look into the structuring of local government more carefully if I am to be a more useful citizen. Anyway, today I am being a care nurse. My best beloved is having an operation in Chichester and has to be monitored at home over the next couple of days. I have to get Gran to Guild in the evening and Zoe will take over bedtime duties with Gran on behalf of her Mum today and tomorrow (lovely kid!). In February Zoe is having an operation on her wisdom teeth so for a couple of days I have to care nurse her. Anyone who has seen my bedside manner knows it leaves a great deal to be desired (and they are more people who have seen my bedside manner than you would think, so there!)but I will imagine I am playing Hugh Laurie as House. Oh, on second thoughts, his bedside manner is crap as well....

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