Thursday, June 07, 2007

Play selection

In the Supernova play script selection, I would like to make the comment that if a play was rejected it was because it wasn't considered that Supernova was the correct vehicle for that play in its present form. This is quite different from saying a play failed or was rejected or wasn't good enough.
Some of the plays not selected needed more work than would be possible in the time allocated in the Supernova schedule. Some of the plays selected were of uneven quality but were more capable of being presented within the Supernova format and schedule.
Some of the plays selected were haunting and stayed in the mind for days after reading. Some of the plays selected were glib and efficient. This applied to some of the plays not selected as well. In the end it all boils down to the subjectivity of this particular panel of judges - another trio may have made different selections - but in the main we feel that the selection offered has the best interests of Supernova in mind and the majority of plays chosen would have been in any list by any panel.

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