Friday, May 11, 2007


I read daily with great interest the blogs of my family and friends. Archimedes and his two co-habitees are especially entertaining covering a wide range of subjects.

Recently Robin wrote one about pensions. I am of that generation that have done well out of pensions. Retiring as a primary school teacher in December I received an annuity and a regular teacher's pension monthly. This will enable me to be independent in my retirement as long as I am not too ambitious. I haven't really yet managed to explore the benefits fully. I have started to audit household finances and use price comparison websites to find ways of cutting expenses. I have a Senior Railcard which I had intended to use for regular but occasional trips up to London for theatre matinees on Thursdays (later will expand to Wednesday matinees once Cardiac rehab programme completed) but haven't had an opportunity to employ yet. I like senior cinema tickets - saw "Last King of Scotland" with a free cup of tea and a biscuit at 1100 on Tuesday at Port Solent for £3. In other words I feel a little guilty when I see how the youngsters of today are going to have to struggle if they want any pension at all.

On Wednesday we had an interesting talk about diet, cholestrol and alcohol from my cardiac nurse. This was enlightening and we have certainly started to look at the food we eat more closely. I enjoy cooking I have discovered and am into making soups, stock and sauces myself rather than buying them in. The nurse said my cholestrol level would have been ascertained during my stay in hospital but in fact it wasn't. The last cholestrol level reading I have was 2003! Fortunately my GP has organised a specialised annual check clinic for next Tuesday in my case and one of the things being looked at is cholestrol level. My reason for such detail is missionary - not enough people check up on such factors as blood pressure and cholestrol - you should know your own. GPs offer services which enable people to find out and even the simpler ones at pharmacies would indicate if you have a problem. Please find out for yourself and don't assume everything is fine!

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