Sunday, December 24, 2006

Under the weather

I think I am going down with a cold. It has been an exciting end to my final term and at the same time I was appearing in the Bench Theatre's production of His Dark Materials. We did the whole thing, Parts One and Two, yesterday before spending an hour clearing up props and costumes, and beginning the dismantling of the set. I am hoping to have some photographs of the whole event, performances and rehearsals, for display on my Gallery. The after show party then took place with speeches, secret santa present distribution, eating, drinking and dancing in the Arts Centre bar and foyer. However I felt really out of it. The matinee performance which included the polar bear combat scene had taken it out of me and I felt so tired and drained as to be unsociable. At the earliest decent opportunity I left and went home for a hot chocolate and my bed.

This morning was putting the theatre to rights and I spent time with Kevin. Now Kevin is set designer and constructor for another non-professional theatre company called Dynamo who also operate out of the Havant Arts Centre. Dynamo works mainly with youngsters but certainly could teach the Bench one or two things about using the facilities at the Arts Centre to better advantage. They have also set up a rehearsal space for their next show Tommy in a church hall just across the road from the Arts Centre.

This has always been a dream of mine to win the lottery so the Bench can hire or build a space of their own with props cupboard and workshop, proper wardrobe space, a club room/studio and a rehearsal room of the same dimensions as the theatre so that the sets can be constructed as rehearsals progress. In true fantasy moments I dream of a whole new theatre based on the Electric Light Theatre at Guildford with a concert hall as well so we can bring the Havant Orchestras home.

My brother is flying down from Bradford today to join us for Christmas and Boxing Day. We have three days of festivities planned ahead with an invite to a meal on Thursday night. Then, of course, the weekend contains New Year's Eve. A week on Wednesday sees the arrival of the new Spring Term 2007 and I don't have to go back to school!
Let the holiday begin!

1 comment:

Megan Greeny said...


So sorry to hear that you are unwell - I think this is not something that you are suffering alone! After 10 performances of HDM my family have not actually seen me for 3 days, althoug Father Xmas did put in a short appearance.

I have read your blog with interest - I fear my dark side may come out stronger the longer I know you (although I started out delightful, you upstaged me as a dead person so I felt the wet wipe scenario was the only way forward).

Have you seen the wonderful photo of you and Ingrid on Charlottes' email(the Asriel Forces Costume says it all!)? You and Ingrid are legend in both my and my daughters' scary eyes!

Look after yourselves - have a super new year, and enjoy retirement. Love to all the Corrigans.