Sunday, October 19, 2008

Kicking Ass

I did attend casting for "Kick Ass" by KA Productions at Bloomsbury Baptist Church on Tuesday 7th October. According to the Internet Movie database (IMDb), the film stars Nic Cage and is being filmed in America. It is about a comic strip hero and is also being filmed mid October to mid December in and around London. I am not sure that I look American enough and it is nearly two weeks now so I am doubtful about getting cast. However I have discovered in my very occasional work as a background support artiste / film extra that time doesn't seem to have the same meaning in the film industry as elsewhere. I suspect that this is because everything can seem to be sewn up but something crops up and you have to replace somebody quickly.
It was a very relaxing day going up to the casting. I caught the 1000 train out of Waterloo and was at the Baptist Church by 12 noon - how laid back a day is that! I recognised the very pretty, very young and blonde assistant director on the desk as having worked on "Shanghai" back in June. The very flattering thing was that she recognised me. I am learning that social networking is a vital part of working in the film industry. You always hope that when the casting director is uncertain, someone who knows you in the production team might just be able to swing it your way with a good word on your behalf.
I would like to build up a reputation for being punctual and dependable. I was a hour early arriving at the base for "Ladies of Letters" last Wednesday. I spent 90 minutes in costume at the base before 2 minutes on the set with Maureen Lipman. The nice aspect was that I was playing a named part and had provided photos to be used on set and in the production. I was therefore greeted on arrival by Scott, the second assistant director, by the name of the character, which was definitely a first for me. I love the custom on film sets of the assistant directors addressing you as "Sir" - it reminds me of my days as a teacher. The term of address then changes when you reach the first assistant director as you are then referred to by your Christian name just like the real actors and stars. The director of course, if you are lucky enough to meet him, will also refer to you by name. It is great to hear "Peter, on set please" over the intercom.
I always refer to myself as a "belt and braces" man, hence the desire to be thought punctual and dependable. However the Best Beloved says I am just a worrier! She says that if there is any blame going I am too quick to assign it to myself.
Anyway, I had finished casting for "Kick Ass" by lunchtime and wondered what I should do for the rest of the day. In the afternoon I saw the matinee of "The Walworth Farce" at the Cottesloe and in the evening I saw Vanessa Redgrave in "The Year of Magical Thinking" at the Lyttleton. I ate at the Archduke in between times. I have reviewed both plays on my sister page, "Bench Hamlet 2008". We rounded off the week by going to see Kenneth Branagh in "Ivanov", a Donmar production at the Wyndham, on Saturday.
Thus my little working chums I give you an insight into the life of a retired man, doing very occasional work as a film extra and able to go to the London theatre during the week. I may not be appearing in the film of that title but do feel I am having a 'kick ass' of a time. Hurrah!

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