Saturday, February 24, 2007


After some heart searching and scrutiny of financial situation, Ingrid has decided to retire at the end of the spring Term in five weeks' time or 25 working days from now. This is two years earlier than her age permits but we had always intended that she should retire before then - at least from permanent full time teaching. The teaching has taken its toll on my best beloved as obviously it had done on me. She is ready to give it up because she no longer enjoys it as once she did, so it is not just the present circumstances which have brought her to this decision.

I managed to get one response from a film extras' agency and am still pursuing this as a line of enquiry. I have also been asked to consider standing as a Libdem candidate in my borough so am giving this some consideration as well. I have an idea for a small touring professional theatre company using Hampshire village halls as possible venues. This idea is still in the development stage.

Ingrid is going to actively pursue the idea of becoming a wedding registrar. I think she would make a wonderful one - she relates quickly and well to people, she has a way of getting people through formal procedures without making them feel regimented and she simply has a feel for the whole wedding ceremony thing.

Slowly, after a dark period, the future is starting to look bright again.

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