Thursday, July 02, 2009

A new blog page is born!

Hopefully at the side on this page you will see that my blog pages have increased to three: Boanerges (this one and the original), Bench Hamlet 2008 and PompeyCorrigan47.

The last one is the result of my two daughters complaining that they preferred this blog page not to get clogged up with Pompey Gossip, I didn't want to give up my Pompey Gossip so have assigned it to the new page. The new page is named after my Pompey shirt and I hope to get my profile picture on that page to reflect that fact.

The Bench Hamlet 2008 page will still be used for drafts of my Benchpress articles, my Bench and Cloak&Dagger activities, my storytelling, reviews of films and plays and generally reflect my interest in the theatrical world.

This page will be devoted to my general ramblings on the world at large and my political thoughts on Localism. I will probably cover the film extra work on Bench Hamlet 2008 but will inform you here if anything juicy turns up.

For reasons of our own, despite living only 10 minutes from the Portsmouth ferryport, we decided to travel down to Plymouth to cross overnight to Roscoff as we were camping in Brittany. We had started when I got the following message from my agent: RU free for a shoot this afternoon approx 5 hrs. in London (Barbican) to play a Beefeater. I received the message at 10.16 and needed to reply before 1045. I would have loved to play a Beefeater but I also like the fact that on any other day I could easily have made the job as I am available and flexible. I am about to enter a short period of approximately 14 days as "Road" goes into performance when I will not be available but otherwise I can respond to most calls most of the time.